Delahaut Jo

Delahaut Jo

  • 1911-1992

The painter Jo Delahaut is one of the emblematic figures of geometric abstraction in Belgium. Trained at the Academy of Liège, Doctor of Art History at the University of Liège, Jo Delahaut began painting in 1940 in an expressionist style. It was under the influence of Auguste Herbin that he radically embarked on the path of the constructed movement. He was a member of "Réalités Nouvelles" in Paris in 1946, a member of "La Jeune Peinture Belge" in Brussels in 1947 and a founding member of the Belgian group "Art Abstrait" in 1952. He was also a teacher at the INSAS and at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture et des Arts Visuels de La Cambre in Brussels. He practiced geometric abstraction as a means of awakening the mechanisms of intellectual activity, a metalanguage addressed to the mind, while cultivating an ideal of openness to the world and universal harmony.

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